October 15, 2009

What is the PowerBAR Club?


I am going to give you an honest explanation of what the PowerBAR Club is and how it works.

Ok...I am not going to try to "sell" you on this program. It is really a no-brainer. I am just going to explain how it all works.

It’s simple. Companies pay for advertising every day. They advertise on TV, on the radio, in Magazines, and just about anywhere else you can think of, including the Internet. Right now, you are bombarded with hundreds of "unsolicited" ads every day and are not getting compensated one bit for looking at them.

That can all change. The PowerBAR Club is the FREE Marketing tool for the money making program "The Bar" (which is also FREE and sometimes referred to as Invite5).

The way it works is really genius. You sign up (hopefully under me) for the PowerBAR Club and at the same time are automatically signed up for The Bar. When you sign up you set up your profile with all of your interests (things that you WANT to see advertising about).

Once you download the toolbar (The BAR) and the program goes into full launch (as of last night's webinar they advised it should be any day now) you will be able to click and view ads that are targeted towards you based on your interests and you will be paid for them.

Now, everyone KNOWS that you will NEVER get rich clicking on ads. Anyone that says you can is lying to you and is probably charging you for their program too. The beauty of this program is by referring people to do what you just did, sign up, fill out the profile, download the BAR and click on ads you can make a substantial amount of money. You make money on all the people you refer and all the people they refer down seven levels.


Now a lot of the ads say "make 43,000 a month" I am sure it MAY be possible, but it is not PROBABLE. I like to stick with numbers that are a bit more realistic. If you refer just 3 people and encourage them to each refer AT LEAST 3 people and so on, and you all click on 5 (yes ONLY 5 - ten second ads) you could make $1,475/month. (Hello!! That’s almost a MORTGAGE payment!!) If you all clicked on 10 ads per day, not referring any more people mind you, just all of the ones you already referred (x 3 x 3 all the way down) clicking 5 more ads per day you could make $2,951/month. And of course the more you refer and click, the more you will make. After you sign up, you will see these are ACTUAL numbers I put in the calculators on the site. I am not sugar coating anything!

The reason this is going to be (hell it’s not GOING to be, it already IS) a huge success is because the Advertisers are paying 10 cents per ad to reach a direct person that is interested in seeing that ad. They are not paying to run an ad hoping that someone that Might be interested Happens to be on that channel at that time. Or that they MIGHT buy that newspaper or magazine. They are paying because YOU are going to click on that ad because you WANT to see that product. 5 cents of every ad gets distributed to the members clicking the ads, 5 cents is for advertising and site costs. How can this NOT work??

Since the Pre-Launch started 4 weeks ago, 30,000 people have signed up for this program and the company has done NO advertising. They gave the program to 80 people and it went viral from there. Don’t you want to be part of something that has the potential to be this huge?

See how it works for yourself. After you sign up, go to the Training Center and Click on the Audio/Video Library. All the previous week’s webinars are in there. Just listen to them and you be the judge. Then download The Bar and promote this like crazy.

When you sign up under me I even send you a business card template I created in MS Word. You simply add your own ID number to the link on the card and print them out on business card stock. Leave them everywhere, give them to everyone, there are even tricks in the PowerBAR Club website on how to give out business cards.

Now to quickly review. The PowerBAR Club is a back-office marketing tool and landing page that you get for Free. It is going to help you promote The Bar. When you sign up for The PowerBAR Club you are also signed up for The BAR, which is the internet Toolbar (think Google and Yahoo toolbars) that you will use to click on ads and make money.

I hope I have answered some questions you may have had and am more than happy to answer any you may think of after you join.

Please click on this link http://11881.powerbarclub.com/
and watch the video. Then sign up for the PowerBAR Club and join me in this
fantastic endeavor!

One more thing. Make sure you use a real e-mail address when you register. You can’t change it once you sign up. Get yourself a free gmail or yahoo account if you don’t want to use a personal e-mail, just don’t put in an invalid or fake e-mail address.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I do hope to see you in my downline!!

Pamela Cunningham


  1. So how do you get paid? Have you actually received a paycheck? And who pays it?

  2. Sorry Cindy the notifications for the comments appears to have not been working for some time...anyway, I have not received a check yet as I am not focusing on the ads right now but I know others who have been paid, by Paypal. Head over to Perpetual Income Programs (the link is on the right side of this blog under my photo) and you can scroll through all the info there, I know of a few people that are getting paid monthly with this.

    Good Luck!
