December 22, 2009

OMG It Can't be Christmas Already!!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Has it been a month since my last post? Wow I am sorry for the lapse. I have just been promoting like crazy and have definitely shifted my focus to companies. I know I said in a previous post that I was not going to put much effort into it, but if I don't do it for myself, who will do it for me?

Anyway, the buzz for the PBC is growing everyday and is becoming deafening...BIG companies are coming on board and getting all the subscribers in ther databases involved. Once again this is going to be HUGE. If you havent already, you may want to register HERE.

It is the only Free program that gives you the marketing tools and a live weekly webinar (also FREE) they want you to be a success. That's the only way they will succeed.

Simply put, big companies are paying to advertise using the 10cent ad exchange. The only way to make it work is for millions of people to be signing up to view and rate their ads.

Please don't wait and be left out of this. Think about this, what would you do if you could go back in time right now and get free stock in Google? This is a bigger opportunity than that.

In the meantime, I would like to wish you all a Very Happy and Healthy Holiday and a Bright and Shiny (and prosperous!) New Year!

As Always,
Making life better one click at a time!
Pam C.
The PowerBAR Club